Friday, March 18, 2011


My sister is mad at me.
She is the only follower of this blog.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


My cousin. Still.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Today I had lunch with a famous performance artist. She lived in a huge loft, sparsely decorated with only the best design furniture, all in white, green, purple and wood. She ran around saying she never cooked here, which was obvious by the way she tried to throw ravioli into a pan of boiling water. She had all the food set up on the beautiful kitchen counter as if it was an installation in itself. She told us a lot of Montenegro men jokes, which are apparently a popular brand of jokes. (Why do Montenegro men all have mustaches? To look like their mothers)
She continued to tell us about how she needed a bunker for 2012, because the planets would align and all would go downhill, and that she had seen a beautiful apartment which cost 22 million, just to see what 22 million looked like. She also had Dr. Linda from Santa Fe prepare her daily meals, which she brought to the house and put in the fridge for her. For lunch we had some of dr. Linda's raw peas, because 'you can't cook those.' They were, I have to say, delicious. She refused to have more than one piece of ravioli, because she was on a diet, meanwhile we had to eat full plates and top it off with a crab cake. Then we went on talking about how Bjork only likes to live in places where it's 62 percent humidity, and her bedroom is permanently filled with steam.
She also had a really funny story about people making a documentary about her life and the time when they went to Serbia and a man came running towards her: 'I am your cousin and I've been waiting for years for you to come. Can I have 4000 dollars?' Apparently he had lost all his money playing cards. His house was empty, except for his father two beds and empty bottles of vodka. She ran away from him, the camera crew behind her. 'I had to run from this man for my life.' Apparently everyone in Serbia has her last name.
The most impressive thing about he loft was her walk in closet filled with Givenchi jewelery, and black clothes. Including the very special Givenchi shoes she had worn for the oscars. (I only liked the bathrooms at the oscars. Nicole Kidman was pushing up her breasts. It was great.)
But the thing she was most excited about of all (even more excited than about her house in the country, 'everything is better in the country,' and about her assistant who recently became famous) was this special clothing hanger for bags. She was so enthusiastic about it and the container shop in general (That's my favorite store! And the Hema of course.) I almost wanted to buy one for myself. Then I realized I didn't have enough purses to hang on it, and definitely not enough Givenchi purses.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My cousin

Today my cousin has been missing for four days. Yesterday they found his bike near the Warmoesstraat. He left after a drink at a restaurant and never reached his house.
When I was little I always said I wanted to marry him when I was older.