Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Bubbles of Energy

In the New York times I read an article about the findings of scientists who found big bubbles of energy in the galaxy taking up a quarter of the universe. I am not sure even what this means, and in the article it became clear that most specialists weren't sure either. Someone at NASA said "This shows again that the universe is full of surprises." Sometimes I forget that we are only such a small part of such a small part of such a small part of the universe. We don't even know what that small part is, let alone the enormity of it all. It's a little scary, but in a strange way comforting as well. Comforting to think about huge bubbles of energy hovering light years above us as we go about our daily lives filled with insignificant worries. In the picture they were purple and about a million times the size of the earth.
I wondered why this article wasn't on the front page.

1 comment:

  1. Woa... hoe ik hier terecht kom?
    Zit gewoon een beetje vrolijk op nasa dingetjes te googelen... ben jij niet van het barlaeus, 2001 ofzo?!

    In ieder geval: lekker bezig :)
