Friday, November 30, 2012

Thanksgiving dinner

The obvious: Turkey, mashed potatoes, beans, pies, brussel sprouts.
Not so obvious: The questions 'if you would have a threesome would you prefer two males or two females?' and 'if you would have to kill your best friend, would you tell him and ask for forgiveness or do it quietly in his sleep?', also lots of comparisons between weed, cigarettes and alcohol and which is worse, and some politics, which I can't quite recall.
Games: Mafia. The person in charge of guiding this game took it very seriously, which contributed to the appropriate tense atmosphere. He yelled at us a couple of times because we were too loud. Also charades. One of the assignments was the film: 'Everything you have ever wanted to know about sex but were afraid to ask.'
Obstacles: One of our neighbors knocked on our door because the elevator was broken. A fight almost broke out between him and one of our slightly intoxicated guests. His girlfriend calmed him down and gave him some water. Nothing like a little drama at a dinner party.

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